An article titled "GM maize could produce hepatitis B vaccine" was posted on April 7 on the web site of the Science and Development Network,, which is funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (SIDA), International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in Canada, and Rockefeller Foundation and which is supported by the scientific journals Nature and Science - The article notes that
Reuters - 20-Apr-2004 - Peter Blackburn (c) 2004 Reuters Limited
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, April 20 (Reuters) - Brazilian scientists finished mapping the arabica coffee genome with the aim of raising the tree's resistance to disease and harsh weather and improving quality, a research leader said on Tuesday.
A coffee genome is made up of 11 chromosomes which are packed with genes and form a blueprint for the beverage's taste, texture, flavor and other qualities.
New sugar beets developed with the help of modern biotechnology are more benign to wild birds than their conventional relatives, according to British researchers. The scientists studied the impact of the introduction of genetically modified sugar beets on the bird population. They found that the herbicide-tolerant sugar beets, which require less frequent spraying against weeds, allowed the nesting of wild birds that are generally not found in conventional fields.
A 107-page document prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gives a detailed explanation of how insect-protected crops are regulated and assessed for safety. The document was prepared in response to a petition by activist groups, which had challenged EPA on the safety of crops that contain an insect-resistant gene from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) a common soil bacterium. Bt cotton, corn and potatoes have been developed through biotechnology to provide in-plant protection against targeted harmful insects.
Scientists have identified and placed in exact order all of the 97 million genetic code that spell out the instructions for making a tiny, soil-dwelling worm, providing the first complete genetic blueprint of any animal and promising new insight into human development and disease.
Within the last few years farming of genetically modified crop varieties has dramatically increased in U.S. agriculture among crops such as corn, soybeans and cotton. Farmers have responded positively to this new technology. Since their commercial introduction only three years ago, acreage has soared to 50 million acres. These new crops feature resistance to pests and the ability to tolerate herbicides. The increased farming of these crops have been encouraged by the potential cost savings, including reductions in input use.
Humans and animals have consumed corn for centuries. Corn is one of the worldís most commonly eaten foods. It is no wonder the Aventis Cropscience genetically modified a corn to be resistant to pests.