More Information on Food Irradiation
Educational Material for the Health Professional
World Wide Web Links
- ADA. 2000. Position of the American Dietetic Association: Food Irradiation. J. American Dietetic Association
Also available online at - Center for disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- IFT Status Summary on Irradiation
- Food Safety Gateway
- Food can be irradiated by a linear accelerator. For information on this method, please contact the food safety web page from Iowa State and click on linear accelerator.
- International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation (ICGFI)
- International Food Information Council
- IFT Scientific Status Summary - or Editorial -
- Facts about Food Irradiation from the IAEA/FAO/World Health Organization
- Mds. Nordion supplies most of the world's supply of radio isotopes used in medicine and consumer products.
- USDA Web Site for Background Information and Links to Other Sites
- Facts about Food Irradiation
Here's a link to the pamphlet on "Frequently Asked Questions About Food Irradiation"
- Grocery Manufacturers of America -
Written Material
- ADA. 2000. Position of the American Dietetic Association: Food Irradiation. J. American Dietetic Association. Also available online at
- ACSH. 1996. Irradiated Foods. American Council on Science and Health 1995 Broadway, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10023-5860. PH: (212) 362-7044. (Single copies $3.85)
- Bruhn, C.M. 1995. Strategies for Communicating the Facts on Food Irradiation to Consumers. J Food Protection 58(1):213-216
- Thayer, D. et al., 1996. Radiation Pasteurization of Food. Council for Agricultural Science and Technology Issue Paper No. 7. CAST 4420 West Lincoln Way, Amers, Iowa 50014-3447. PH: (515) 292-2125. (single copies $3.00)
- Satin, M. 1993. Food Irradiation, A Guidebook, Technomic Publishers. Written for the lay person, this 183 page book includes an extensive bibliography. Chapters include: Food Irradiation, Pasteurization, Foodbourne Diseases, Use of Irradiation to Prevent the Spread of Foodborne Disease, Prevention of Food Losses and Harvesting, Advocay Objections to Food Irradiation, Irradiated Foods and the Consumers, Some Final Thoughts
Phone Numbers
For more information about food irradiation, call the Meat and Poultry Hotline. 1-800-535-4555.
In the Washington DC. area, call
Video Tapes
Understanding Food Safety and Irradiation Technology in the Meat Industry. This hour long video tape is a review of the strengths and limitations of food irradiation, the regulatory environment and rationale for its use. It can be used as a background for the educator or as a stand alone educational piece with interested students or consumers. Accompanied educational material and a bibliography are included. Educational packet (EDC-22) $35, Video only (EDC-84) $25. Mr. James Trow, Extension Distribution Center, Iowa State University, 199 Kooser Drive, Ames, Iowa 50011-3171. PH: (515) 294-5247
The Consumer's Food Irradiation Kit. The kit contains a slide set of 40 images that illustrate all facets of this technology, from medical and household products to application for fruits, vegetables and meats. Kit with slide set and video (SP-196) $55 plus $5 shipping; kit with slide set (SP-195) $45 plus $4 shipping; kit with video tape (SP-194) $20 plue $4 shipping. Contact UF/IFAS Publications, PO Box 110011, Gainsville FL 32611-0011. PH: (352) 392-1764.